The TAXO TOOL is the new AI-based platform ranking economic activities as environmentally sustainable in order to implement the EU taxonomy for sustainable investments.
We empower ESG management through transparent decision making
_How ESG is affecting the Finance Industry
The EU has ratified a certain number of sustainability regulations amongst which harmonised criteria (taxonomy) for determining whether an economic activity is “environmentally-sustainable”, disclosure requirements for institutional investors, intermediaries and investment products, and incorporating sustainability factors into investment processes and remuneration policies and amendments to MiFID II1 and IDD2 rules.
These regulations are legally binding for financial institutions and companies, who must disclose ESG related information and evaluations during financial transactions. Even small and mid-sized companies are required to provide ESG data and assessments.
This is a major challenge for most of companies. DYDON AI is here to help you assess and manage your ESG efforts for you to comply with the EU regulatory framework.
_Advantages of our ESG management
#1 Full Transparency
Fully traceable process and results for both your clients and the regulators. We’re proud to say that our solution is an “open box approach”.
#2 Human-like AI learning
Superior to simple linear or pure rule-based type, nonlinear inference method analyses and ranks data as the human mind would, providing for more accuracy, that is paramount in compliance.
#3 Ranking and Monitoring
Identify key trends in data + previously undefined, unknown topics and trends thereof.
#4 Simplicity
Procedural models are used, which also enable an assessment if basic data are not fully available.
#5 Flexibility and Security
Dydon AI is fully customisable, available on cloud or on-premise solution. It offers access control and full data security.
One of the biggest challenges that all companies face is the lack of data and its difficulty to obtain it. But the problem doesn’t stop here. Once obtained, it is usually in unmanageable formats requiring redundant and time-consuming processing, that is costly and demotivating for the parties involved.
_The Challenge
Especially small and midsize companies are often missing internal data. Indeed, while leading manufacturers may have the financial and human capacities to generate and process ESG data (for example, measure CO2 emissions of a certain production process), small and mid-size companies do not possess the same means.
_Why your company should care about ESG
To track your position on ESG regulatory frameworks: regulatory and compliance pressures are growing at an unprecedented rate. Gain first-mover advantage from changes in the markets where your assets operate to any regulatory changes.
Take ethical decisions when it comes to suppliers: Focus your efforts on ethical suppliers when it comes to designing the product and the production process. Reinforce your ESG perception in the market.
_Raise capital and improve your invest relations
ESG perception of your company influences your sales opportunities and the relationship with potential investors. Investments are redirected to sustainable activities and to companies that are socially responsible.
We provide reliable and fully transparent ESG ratings to our clients, by automating up to 70% of the entire monitoring & rating process.
_Empowered human expertise
Whereas artificial intelligence takes over all the data calculation, prediction and simulation by analysing tons of texts and numbers in few minutes, we want to emphasize how human expertise is essential for the AI learning. We see artificial intelligence as away to empower our abilities and bring more focus to quality.
_Why Dydon AI
What makes our Sustainable Finance AI Suite so unique is the combination of the “open-box” approach for transparent results, our modular AI-technology enabling to combine also other relevant modules to the main AI-Suite (EU Taxonomy and Carbon Footprint) and the strong knowledge base that is the foundation of our Sustainable Finance AI Suite.
Our AI Suite for Sustainable Finance
Our ready-to-go AI platform provides a fast, easy, traceable and transparent assessment of all the necessary criteria to rank and analyze your sustainability concerning ESG, EU Taxonomy and your company Carbon Footprint. Our 3 modules for Sustainable Finance are highly interconnected and flexible. Each domain cross-functions with the others on the same platform, increasing data volume and accuracy.
Taxo Tool & EU Taxonomy
The TAXO TOOL is the new AI-based platform ranking economic activities as environmentally sustainable in order to implement the EU taxonomy for sustainable investments.