We empower ESG management through transparent decision making
We help business and institutions to make sustainable financial decisions
Artificial intelligence (AI) allows investors to collect and analyse more information than ever before, when accounting for environmental, social, and governance risks and opportunities. Furthermore, AI can help sustainable investors process mountains of data that hold essential information for ESG investing.
Today, the lack of data is making it hard for banks to assess long-term risks and rewards. In case where data is available, it is often unstructured.
DYDON AI technology filters essential data that investors currently lack, or organises and evaluates existing data. DYDON AI hence acts as the catalyst for sustainable investing at scale.
Investors can direct their funds to more sustainable companies, and most importantly help those companies getting compliant with the new EU sustainability regulations.
To achieve its objectives of the EU Climate Energy targets of 2030 and the European Green Deal, the European commission implemented the EU taxonomy. This taxonomy allows companies to benefit from a common language on sustainability and a clear definition on how to fit these criteria.
This taxonomy allows companies to benefit from a common language on sustainability – and more specifically CO2 emissions – and a clear definition on how to fit these criteria. Hence, together with this regulation comes the obligation by financial institutions to comply to certain thresholds when is comes to carbon emissions of their clients.
This new regulation comes with a pile of obstacles both for companies and financial Institutions. Companies are faced with conducting evaluations, when there is actually no past or actual data available.
Lack of reliable data
Companies often, especially small and medium sized, do not have enough data to provide accurate sustainability assessments and carbon footprint monitoring
Lack of transparency
Existing assessments and rating providers fail to provide explainable, auditable and transparent results.
3 modules within our AI Suite for Sustainable Finance
Our ready to go AI platform provides a fast, easy, traceable and transparent assessment of all the necessary criteria to rank and analyse your sustainability concerning ESG, EU Taxonomy and your company Carbon Footprint.
All 3 modules are highly interconnected and flexible. Each domain cross functions with the others on the same platform, increasing data volume and accuracy.
_we help business and institutions to reach the next sustainable level
Climate protection and sustainability are in the core interest of the European Commission, clearly expressed with the Green Deal and the Sustainable Finance Action Plan.
Establishing a uniform classification system (called EU Taxonomy) for environmentally sustainable economic activities is at the heart of this Action Plan – with the aim of determining the ecological sustainability of an investment.
The ESG performance of your company influences your sales opportunities and the relationship with potential investors. Investments are redirected to sustainable activities and to companies that are socially responsible.
A transparent ESG rating will enable your company to take ethical decisions also when it comes to choosing your suppliers.
The TAXO TOOL is the new AI-based platform ranking economic activities as environmentally sustainable in order to implement the EU taxonomy for sustainable investments.
Our AI suite, developed in collaboration with Bundesverband Öffentlicher Banken Deutschlands (VÖB) and VÖB-Service GmbH, is mainly addressing banks and saving banks, but applies also to insurance and investment companies, fund managers and other industries and institutions falling under this new regulation.
Our AI Solutions will identify your supply chain sustainability. With this assessment you can measure your company Carbon Footprint and understand where and how you can improve your sustainability along the entire production and sales process.
Sustainable Finance powered by AI
Our ready to go AI platform provides a fast, easy, traceable and transparent assessment of all the necessary criteria to rank and analyze your sustainability regarding ESG, EU Taxonomy and your company Carbon Footprint.
Our 3 modules for Sustainable Finance are highly interconnected and flexible. Each domain cross-functions with the others on the same platform, increasing data volume and accuracy.
You do not have to bother about the interoperability, we took care of that.
Taxo Tool & EU Taxonomy
Your ready-to-go AI solution for getting your company up to the next sustainable level