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      Our AI-Solution for EU Taxonomy Reporting
      _Secure Document Analysis and Data Capture

      The solution leverages AI language models to capture numeric and textual data from various documents, and specifically for energy certificates for buildings these extracted data can be used to suggest appropriate answers to EU Taxonomy questions, accelerating the assessment process.

      Artificial Intelligence- AI Solution for the EU Taxonomy-Dydon AI
      _Easy Calculation Box, help boxes and guidance for the user

      AI-supported calculations related to carbon emissions and other technical screening criteria ensure an easy and accurate assessment process. This is particularly valuable for financial institutions assessing SMEs or private customers without readily available carbon emission data.

      Immagine 5 – logo dydon- trasparente
      _Geolocalisation-based Geological and Climate Risk Analysis within the DNSH

      Taxo Tool retrieves relevant risks by simply entering the project address, integrating the data from Munich Re to provide geolocation-based assessments of climate and geological risks during the Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) assessment.

      immagine 4 – trasparente – Logo Dydon
      _Transparency of the Assessment Process

      Our AI-solution enables companies to keep always an eye on the complex EU Taxonomy assessment processes through diagram flows allowing users to easily navigate and understand the various assessment stages, promoting transparency and clarity.

      immagine 3 – trasparente
      _Streamlined Assessments

      Taxo Tool offers guidance to the user through the questions and requirements of the EU Taxonomy to simplify the assessment regarding the alignment of Substantial Contribution, Do No Significant Harm, and Minimum Safeguards criteria to a specific environmental goal.

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